What Sources Does Our Subdomain Enumeration Tool Include?

What Sources Does Our Subdomain Enumeration Tool Include?
What Sources Does Our Subdomain Enumeration Tool Include?

A common question asked by many people who are interested in our ASM Solution is "What Sources Does Our Subdomain Enumeration Tool Include?".

In this article you'll find a comprehensive list of all the sources we use to deliver you the most result for your subdomain enumeration scan.

In Short:

  • SSL Certificate Logs
  • HTTP Response (Headers & Body)
  • Private Vault by Nova Security
  • DNS Queries (Zone Transfers, etc.)
  • DNS/Subdomain Bruteforcing
  • Internet Archives
  • Google Tag Manager
  • GitHub (optional)
  • Shodan (optional)
  • Security Trails (optional)
  • Virus Total (optional)
Optional sources are only used if a valid API key has been supplied.

More sources and methods will be included (such as bruteforcing) with the aim to find as much data about a target as possible as development on Nova Security progresses.

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