BLACKBIRD Web App Penetration Testing Suite for Penetration Testers

BLACKBIRD Web App Penetration Testing Suite for Penetration Testers
BLACKBIRD Web App Penetration Testing Suite for Penetration Testers

Penetration testers can save a lot of their valuable time and even find more security vulnerabilities with little to no extra effort by just using the right tool!
In this article, we will dive deep into BLACKBIRD Web App Pentesting Suiteour cloud-based web application pentesting suite for penetration testers.

This article heavily promotes our web application pentesting suite, if you'd like to skip reading this post and try a quick demo instead, click here.

In case you're not familiar with our web app pentesting suite, BLACKBIRD Web App Pentesting Suite is a toolkit for penetration testers who want to save time and find more security vulnerabilities by leveraging the latest attack techniques.

It contains automated as well as semi-automated & manual tools to help you test a modern web application effectively for OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities and other novel attack techniques. The platform is also cloud-based so you do not have to install any tools on your end. Our vulnerability scanners, tools and wordlists are updated regularly to include the latest definitions, web application firewall bypasses, and much more. We take care of everything for you.

Our web app pentesting suite was developed by bug bounty hunters and web app pentesters and is known for its novel attack techniques, undisclosed methodologies (closed-sourced tools developed in-house) and advanced payload sets.

If you want to keep up with the latest attack techniques from the competitive and ever-evolving bug bounty world without much extra effort, BLACKBIRD Web App Pentesting Suite is just for you.

Our web app pentesting platform contains the following key features to help you save time and find more security vulnerabilities in your next pentesting engagements:

  • Web Vulnerability Scanner to Scan for OWASP Top 10 (we refer to them as Deep Scans)
  • Toolbar With Security Tools to Test Your List of URLs for SQLi, XSS, SSRF, etc.
  • Template-based Scanner That is Auto-Updated With The Latest Templates for The Most Recent CVEs
  • JavaScript Auditing Tool to Quickly
  • Advanced Reconnaissance Framework for Subdomains (you can track hosts daily, filter live hosts and also screenshot these)
  • Advanced Content Discovery Tool for Pentesters (capable of headless crawling, request interception and implements target bruteforcing)
  • Monitoring Tool for Response Changes (you can track resources daily, such as JavaScript files and receive notifications on any detected changes, it can auto-detect endpoints and track them as well)
  • API Access for Third-Party Integration & Automation
  • Private Out-of-Band Server (includes Remote File Inclusion & XSS payloads)
  • Private Blind-XSS Callback Server (comes with short 4-character domain name)
  • PDF & JSON Exports
  • Notification system to receive notifications via email, Slack, Telegram or Discord

This is a small list of features. Try a demo or start your free trial to discover all of them. We are dedicated to improving every single day to deliver new and valuable tools that our customers like.


Visit our pricing page to view our prices for an active license. We provide monthly as well as annual licenses.

Web vulnerability scanner for penetration testers

BLACKBIRD Web App Pentesting Suite comes with its own cloud-based web app vulnerability scannerBLACKBIRD Security Scanner.

Our scanner is designed to perform a series of security tests to make sure it finds you the most amount of security vulnerabilities in any of the pentests you conduct.

The scanner is cloud-based and runs on our servers, you can request the public IP of our server prior to running your scan for IP whitelisting purposes while also receiving a rough estimate of the number of HTTP requests it will generate.

NEW! Internal Vulnerability Scanning is now also supported! Learn more.
Public IP is always available for you for whitelisting purposes during client engagements.

You are also provided with the option to:

  • Schedule your scan in the future (e.g. tomorrow at 9 AM, PDT)
  • Set up recurring scans (e.g. daily or weekly)
  • Opt-out for scanning for some types of security vulnerabilities
  • Supply any request and authentication headers
  • Exclude certain paths or endpoints
  • Provide a time delay in milliseconds to be enforced between each request
  • Provide a time-out in milliseconds for each request
  • Get notified once your scan has finished

Extend the web vulnerability scanner with your own rules

You also get the option to create your private templates for our powerful template-based scanner, WAYPOINTS.

This will effectively allow you to extend the web vulnerability scanner with your own scan rules effortlessly.

Toolbar with security tools

Our pentesting platform is module-based so that you can engage with each pentesting security tool individually.

Toolbar with security tools

Each individual tool allows you to supply a list of URLs to scan for vulnerabilities with little to no false positives. Our vulnerability scanners are all designed to verify each client-side finding with an embedded web browser and OOB vulnerabilities with your OOB server.

Our powerful platform makes it possible for scanners such as the Server-Side Request Forgery scanner to verify findings against your private OOB server.

Advanced reconnaissance framework

With the BLACKBIRD Web App Pentesting platform, you can set up recurring subdomain discovery scans on a daily basis. Our subdomain enumeration tool makes use of several advanced methodologies to always find the most amount of hosts. It allows you to include external sources and even employs methodologies like enumerating subdomains through DNS or subdomain bruteforcing and Google Tag Manager.

Set up recurring subdomain discovery scans
Set up recurring subdomain discovery scans

Filtering live hosts

Furthermore, you can also resolve all live hosts and query them by response elements like page title, content type, content length, etc.

Query live hosts by response elements
Query live hosts by response elements

Fly over live hosts

While resolving domains, you can also enable the scanner to screenshot them allowing you to quickly flyover live hosts and spot any interesting login panels for example.

Fly over live hosts to quickly spot interesting targets
Fly over live hosts to quickly spot interesting targets

The Only Web App Pentesting Suite You'll Ever Need as a Pentester!

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Advanced content discovery tool for penetration testers

SPIDER X is our all-in-one content discovery tool and we are convinced this is the only tool a penetration would ever need because it is capable of:

  • Crawling & Headless Crawling
  • Intercepting client-to-server & server-to-client HTTP requests
  • Parsing & Enumerating App Routes, Endpoints And Links in JavaScript Files
  • Enumerating client-side parameters (for DOM-based vulnerabilities)
  • Performing Targeted Bruteforcing
  • Querying External Sources & Internet Archives
  • Parsing & Enumerating App Routes, Endpoints And Links in Common Server Configuration Files

SPIDER X is responsible for the content discovery phase that is performed at the start of every vulnerability scan.

Advanced content discovery tool for penetration testers
Advanced content discovery tool for penetration testers

Private Out-of-Band Server for OOB Attacks

You don't have to deploy your own out-of-band (OOB) server for OOB attacks the moment you have an active license for your web app pentesting suite.

With your private out-of-band server, you can intercept incoming DNS & HTTP requests for OOB attacks.

Your private out-of-band server
Your private out-of-band server

Includes payloads

Your private OOB server comes with included payloads for Remote File Inclusion attacks for example:

Example of a basic Remote File Inclusion payload
Example of a basic Remote File Inclusion payload

Try a Demo

BLACKBIRD Web App Pentesting Suite is the only web app toolkit you need as a pentester to test web applications effectively for OWASP top 10 security vulnerabilities.

Try a demo and browse through our web app pentesting suite. Give it an honest shot, most of our clients like our work and have seen a positive ROI in their trial period!

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